A new day dawns, the pink and golden hues set the sky ablaze. It feels as if the vibrant watercolors are bursting out of me and lighting the sky with their brilliance. Clouds transform from messengers of gloom into awe-inspiring behemoths towering over me and wonder is all I feel for them. The ocean has never been more blue nor soothing even among the clashing of its waves, the whisper of its retreat and shimmering light of the sun dancing for me as if to say, come and join me, you idiot. The world is alive! Brimming with activity and noise and light and thunderous joy sparked by those enjoying themselves wafting about in the sea. It’s been too long since I’ve rediscovered these emotions inside me. I’ve shed this weighted cloak and helmet that has been oppressing me, pressing down upon my shoulders and back, blinding me to all that is great and beautiful in this world. I’m back Biatches